Archive for category korea

Asan Migrants’ End Year Party





Hari minggu..diundang dateng.. sambil ngantuk2 haha.. well acara kali ini rame jg.. n ada makanan pula.. hihi.

Di sini dulu gua suka ngajar komputer gantiin pak husni.

Lucunya di acara ini, anak kecil nakal tuh gak diomelin..berisik pun dibiarin. Menurut gua yg bener kayak gini sih.. karena anak kecil itu masih polos..gak ngeri banyak hal soal sopan santun..

Well.. nih.. temen indo lagi nyanyi.. keren.. 😀


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[WSK] 4 Major River Restoration











Ternyata ini tur buat ngeliat pembangunan restorasi 4 sungai besar di korea … huehue.. gw kira jalan2 ke kuil mana gitu.

Kita baru selesai mengunjungi Ipobo(이포보) atau Ipo Weir.. gw gak tau bahas indonesianya weir ..mungkin tanggul kali ya.

Jadi..dalam reatorasi 4 sungai besar itu.. akan dibangun 16 tanggul, yang di setiap tanggulnya akan ada banyak fasilitas, termasuk turbin penghasil listrik, lalu ada wahana wisata ekologi..juga sarana rekreasi. Dan ditujukan jg untuk mengembalikan keragaman flora dan fauna yg sempat hilang. Pokoknya semua untung.

Ditargetkan akan selesai sekitar tahun 2020.. dan menghabiskan biaya lebih dari 4 quadrillion won… atau 2.46 trilliun dolar amerika.. fiuh.. ngomongnya aja dah serem.

Well.. kita lanju lagi ke weir berikutnya.. yeojubo (여주보) atau weir Yeoju.

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[WSK] 5th Cultural Tour



Tulisan gw barusan ilang gara2 wordpress d android gw crash…. T_T

Mbolos ngelab… Well… has been a long time no update in this blog for trip story.
Today is the day .. 😉

We’ll go around the Sungai Han Gang River.. di seoul.. kkk
Gak banyak yg ikut..makanya gua diundang kali ya.. hahah
Secara diadain hari kerja..dan cuma di Seoul doang mungkin.

Okay..we’re moving anywhere the wind will bring us.. (padahal mang gak ngerti jadwal pake bahasa korea :p)

Moga perjalanan ini diridhoi Allah SWT….. aamiin

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Yup.. pepero day.. 😀

apakah pepero day? bisa dilihat di sini 

dapet pepero dari si prof.. hehe

dan satu lagi dari temen.

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btw.. blom ada cewe yg ngasih nih.. 😛



[WSK] Asia Exchange Association , NGO for Asia Future Development


Kalau mau maju, maka belajarlah.. tingkatkan pendidikan rakyat..

itulah yang korea alami.. mereka maju karena masyarakatnya peduli sekali dengan pendidikan. Mungkin tidak perlu sampai berlebihan jg ya sampai dari kecil terlalu banyak kegiatan belajar hingga tidak sempat main, tapi .. pendidikan yang ada di korea memang banyak yang sudah sampai Sarjana.

Mereka maju karena banyak publikasi dan juga paten.. bisa dilihat di Samsung dan LG yang sekarang jadi raksasa teknologi dunia. Produk2nya banyak banget dan beragam.. dari yang dulunya kita kenal cuma produsen mesin cuci dan alat2 dapurnya, LG bisa produksi TV, Handphone, laptop dan komputer, bahkan di korea sendiri menjadi provider telekomunikasi, seperti layaknya mobile 8 kalau di indonesia. Prestasi ini tidak lepas dari pendidikan yang jadi perhatian utama di korea.

Dengan demikian.. korea ingin menguatkan sayapnya… dengan memajukan negara2 asia lainnya. Dan di bawah ini adalah di kamboja. Dari korea dikirim exchange student dan pekerja sosial lainnya yang akan bertukar teknologi dan kebudayaan.



Asia Exchange Association, the Cradle of Global Leader

Asia is becoming the leader of 21st century. But barriers caused by different languages, religions and also the controversial issues in history still remain, making it hard to draw cooperation among countries. So we need young leaders to bring them all together. Where and how can we find them? Asia Exchange Association may have an answer to that matter.

The Youth Opening the Future

AEA(Asia Exchange Association), registered in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is a nonprofit organization. It was established in March 2005 to build the Asian network through education volunteer, and academic and cultural interchange by young people. Since it’s establishment, AEA has cooperated with government organizations, institutions and schools for better future on a variety of interchange programs in economy, society, culture and academy

<Volunteers helping homework in Laos> (Source: AEA)

To start with dispatching volunteers to Cambodia, AEA sends out short-term volunteers every twice a year. AEA provides useful and novel education programs such as building libraries, making shoe closets, teaching languages, globalization and sanitization, and lastly art, sports and culture exchange so that young Asian people can understand each other and have awareness of how to behave as world citizens.

<Volunteers helping build up houses in Laos> (Source: AEA)

 Every school vacation, from January to February and from July to August, AEA dispatches students under 24 for volunteering for 11 days. Each team is made of 16 members and any Korean students under 24 can join.

The dispatched volunteers should have a sense of humanity and passion rather than the fluent English asthey go to the isolated villages for computer and reading class, introducting Korean culture and history, cultural performance. After reviewing applications and interview, AEA sorts out volunteers and train them for one month. After they complete the mission and come back to Korea, they have to go through a briefing session. Finally, AEA grants the certificates to every one of them.

What is International Legislation Support Program?

AEA puts an effort to get Asian countries more cooperative to each other. International Legislation Support program was made through the efforts. The Legal disputes happen very often as Korean companies go abroad more often than ever and their investment increases as well. That’s why we need the firm and stable legal system.

AEA tries to improve the informationalized legal level of developing countries by exporting legal systems and culture, and supporting them to build the trial regulation, legislation, and manual.   In other words, International Legislation Support program will go beyond the export of Korean  legal system and exchange among lawers from both sides, and finally promote mutual friendship each other.

<Volunteers practicing Taekwondo in Vietnam> (Source:AEA)

There are four effects which are expected in International Legislation Support program. The export of Korean legal system will begin with more exchanges of international lawyers. Eventually, it will promote partnership among countries and help Korean companies and people to do a business.

Many Korean children dreams of being a global leader like UN Secretary General Ban ki moon. Isn’t it because he gives the whole Asian children confidence that they can do it whatever they want. Let’s be prepared for the dream to become a world leader beyond Asia.

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Happy Independence Day – Dae Han Min Guk – in google doodle


Tepat, 15 Agustus 1945 atau 15 Ramadhan sekian Hijriah (gua lupa tahunnya 😛 ) Korea mendapatkan kemerdekaannya dari jepang.. secara otomatis kalo kata gua, karena waktu itu jepang kalah perang, dan akhirnya langsung jadi merdeka. Agak beda sama kemerdekaan Indonesia yg lebih berdarah2.. hehe *ini sadistik, kok berdarah2 malah ketawa*

info lebih lanjut bisa merujuk ke wikipedia, dan sangat erat kaitannya dengan “division of korea” yang sangat disayangkan..

Gak ada acara khusus yang gua liat di sini, mungkin lomba2 atau semacamnya.. tapi sunyi senyap saja.. mungkin karena ini bulan puasa..  😛
eh, gak ada hubungannya sih.. hehe.. kesempatan ini dijadikan kesempatan liburan panjang.. dari mulai jumat sampai senin ini. Dan gua tidur sepanjang hari.. >.<

Selamat kepada korea atas kemerdekaannya, atas perjuangannya juga hingga akhirnya memiliki identitas sendiri yang unik di banding Jepang dan China sebagai tetangganya.


berikut ini adalah daftar bendera2 keluaran Google Doodle ( dari sejak tahun 2001 sampai 2011. Gua tampilin backwards.


Terlihat jelas bendera korea dijadikan logo baru google.. um.. sebenernya 3 garis yang berbentuk macam2 di sudut2 bendera memiliki arti yang spesial masing2. Tapi gua lupa apa.. kalo gak salah soal api, air, tanah dan apa gitu.. bisa googling buat cari info lebih lanjut.




Suasana Mugunghwa sangat kental.. berikut hembusan musim dingin.. *lho* hehe.. mustinya sih musim panas.. tapi kayak musim dingin.. hehe




Gua kurang tahu soal gerbang ini.. :S tapi di sisi2 jalannya ada mugunghwa pastinya..

Bunga mugunghwa ini benar2 jadi simbol keindahan di korea.. dan menjadi nama satu jenis kereta memiliki tarif dua kali subway.. dan sarana transportasi murah harga bersaing dengan bus… hanya sayangnya kalo sore2 dari seoul gak ada jadwalnya.. -___-a .. akhirnya naek saemaeul yang harganya 1.5 – 2 kali lebih mahal.




Gua kurang paham makna dari bendera dan orang2 ada di bawahnya.. um.. tadinya gua kira soal world cup, tapi ternyata world cup yang ada di korea itu tahun 2002.




Logo kali ini menampilkan bendera korea dengan wanita mengenakan Hanbok, pakaian tradisional korea.




Sangat simple, … mugunghwa.. hehe




bendera korea.. dengn tulisan 60 tahun kemerdekaan.. 🙂




di tengahnya… ada simbol yin yang korea… terus huruf g-nya dari semenanjung korea.. kreatif.. hehe




Mugunghwa…. again.. hehe.. yg agak misteri itu kenapa tulisan google-nya sebelah bawah hitam.. atas putih.




Nah.. ini pas acara world cup.. itu simbol di tengah yg warna kuning or emas kali ya.. itu sering jadi warna kesukaan korea.. melambangkan kekayaan..




Yang pertama kali.. agak norak sebenernya.. huehue.. bendera ditaro di huruf L.. 😛


Yak.. itulah semua daftar google doodle spesial buat hari kemerdekaan korea. Yang menarik jg, di luar topik korea.. adalah bahwa ukuran google doodle-nya meningkat.. menandakan bahwa kemampuan bandwidth pengguna internet sekarang makin bagus kali ya.. 😀

Terus jg, dulu pake gif.. tapi sekarang2 jpg semua.. 🙂

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[WSK] Road Trip in Jeju – Adventure in Nature


Gua jalan2 ke jeju tahun lalu kalo gak salah.. pas ada conference sehari.. dan gua lupa posting ampe sekarang.. parah2.. haha

di jeju, ada “Olle Track/Route” sekitar 16 track.. dan masing2 track punya keistimewaan tersendiri. Mulai dari jalan2 di pantai sampai naek gunung tertinggi ngos2an.. hahaha

Info lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di sini:


Gua ngambil rute 7, yang ada di poto di atas itu adalah batu yang tampak seperti orang teriak, katanya ada sejarahnya.. huehue.
jalur yg gua lalui bener2 berbatu2 besar di pinggir pantai.. terus.. jalan manjat bukit dikit.. terus naek lagi..
fiuh… tapi akhirnya puas sih .. haha.

Hari pertama waktu itu buat conference. Hari kedua baru bisa buat jalan2. Pas sejam sebelum jalan.. kita mampir ke museum jeju (Folklore Museum) terus.. nonton iklan jeju.. haha.. tapi kok yg gua alamin blom full.. laen kali musti ke sana lg nih.. 😀

Berikut postingan dari koreabrand.. lebih lanjutnya lagi soal fitur2 apa yg ada di jeju.. 🙂


Jeju beach with emerald tints and peculiar living rocks are very beautiful like the fine paintings. You can have beautiful scenery by just pressing a button on your camera. In addition, driving the offshore will make you refresh your mind.

You will realize that time flies so fast when dropping by some attractive places while driving the offshore road. Now we will introduce you the must-go places in Jeju island.

Dive along the Green Forest!

The road which will be now introduced is 516 Forest Road Tunnel that was built for the first in this island. It is a shortcut from Jeju city on the South to Seogwipo city on the North of the island, crossing Mt. Halla. It definitely reduced the travelling time and is quite faster than the other ways. The road is rather zigzag, however, once you pass the Sungpan Rest Area, you will meet the trees that just look like a tunnel. While passing the tunnel we will feel as if the trees were greeting you.

<The lush greenness of the 516 Forest Road Tunnel > (Source : AsiaToday)

On your diving, you will see the Sancheon-dan altar for Mt. Halla and Sungpanak, the tracking course. Suak vallley is made of clear water from Baeknok-dam, the lake located on the top of the Mt. Halla. It ia connected by thick forest and azure’s virgin forest and it’s changed by the season. The road is lined up with Jeju typical trees and there are grazing ponies, too. 516 Forest Road Tunnel is thickly wooded and keeps the cool temperature even in summer. When you pass the tunnel, turn off the air-conditioner and open the car window to feel the beauty of nature.

Sagye Coastal Road

Sagye (four seasons) Coastal Road is an absolutely wonderful road which will surround you by the sea breeze and wind. As the Mt. Sanbang and Mt. Songak are located at each of the end of the seashore, the driving course is even peaceful and comfortable. Drivers can get the full view of the sea as well. Everyday many visitors are passing this beautiful coastal road to see the harmonized seashore, mountain and roads and all the beautiful sceneries around with its breath-taking sunset

<The road of the harmonized seashore, mountain and road> (Source: Korean Tourism Organization)

We can see not only the Sagye seashore not only the Brothers islands guarding the South Sea, and away from here, we can also see the Gapa island and southernmost island, Mara island. Recently, the Sagye Coastal Road was designated as “One of the most beautiful 100 roads in Korea” by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation. After 50 minutes of driving along the No.95 local road from Jeju city, you will reach at a town which is the entrance of the Sagye-ri harbor. Then, go toward the beach about 5 minutes, and you will be dazzled by the coolest sea in front of you.

This area is also famous for the Asian-first human’s footprints fossil of the Old Stone Age. There are other footprints of the elephants, dears and birds as well. Archeologists said this geographical strata was created in the fourth stages of theCenozoic era 50,000 years ago. Since it was reported on the news, a number of tourists are continuously visiting here to see the fossils by themselves. However, since the Cultural Heritage Administration designated this area as one of the state-designated natural monuments, it has been impossible to enter the area.

Some people leave their car and take a walk around the area to see the Mt. Sanbang, Brothers islands, Gapa island , Maraisland, and Mt. Songak. We hope you enjoy the road trip on Sagye Coastal Road.

Cedar Forest

Well, driving along the coast would be so good, but there is other driving course you would also be excited. It is the 27.3 km-long Rd. No.1112, which connects Gujwa-eup Pyongdae-ri and the Rd. No.516. The way ahead is full of cedar.

<Huge Cedars are lining up along the street> (Source: Munhwa Ilbo)

This road was awarded a grand prize by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation in 2002. It’s very exotic as if you were in somewhere in north-American forests. Actually, this place appeared in many of CFs, movies and TV dramas. About 2,570 typical Jeju trees are growing wild here and make us feel refreshed when driving through or walking through the road.

Jeju driveways are full of blue water, beautiful estuary, cedars and secondary volcanoes. Why don’t we leave for Jeju this Summer?

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Korea is The Safest Place on Earth








gak melebih-lebihkan juga..

terlepas dari status “gencatan senjata” yang masih diberlakukan hingga sekarang.. kadang gua mikir.. enak banget tinggal di korea itu.

kata “aman” di sini dalam pengertian hampir ga ada or gak gua temui penjambretan, pencurian or semacamnya. Gua bisa buka2 laptop mac tanpa rasa khawatir di kereta, bis atau taman. HP android or ipod touch pun asik dimainin d mana aja tanpa khawatir kecuri.

Contoh paling ekstrim juga adalah cewe sini..kalo pake celana itu super duper minim… yg kata pak ustadz mengundang nafsu syahwat. Mungkin bukan mengundang lagi kali ya.. tapi nyuruh dateng. pokoknya parah dah.. tapi, mereka tenang2 aja pulang sendirian tengah malam. Tanpa kuatir diganggu orang .. ataupun maaf.. diperkosa

Contoh lainnya adalah.. naro barang di sini di atas meja makan misalnya.. laptop or apa gitu.. gak ada yang ilang.. huehue

kecuali di asrama. Susu atau roti pernah ilang.. yang ngambil bukan orang korea juga ternyata.. tapi orang cina kebanyakan.. atau dari bagsa lain. Bukan sok belain.. tapi begitulah kenyataannya… hhh.. temen sekamar gua orang cina dulu n orang vietnam jg pernah gua lihat saling “mencuri” telur masing2 haha… hal kecil memang, tapi dari hal kecil2 seperti itulah penilaian kita terhadap seseorang terukir IMO.

Di sini.. kehilangan barang pun, dibalikin… kayak kotak pensil yang gak seberapa punya temen gua yg ketinggalan d kelas. Kernyata dikasih ke kantor univ.. hoho… dan temen gua ditelpon suruh dateng 😀 Dulu juga kejadian kartu2 ATM dan lain2 hilang.. berkali2 dan dibalikin.. hoho.. meski sempet ilang 20 rebu 😛 mungkin buat belanja d warung.

Anyway.. cukup kaget nerima kabar temen d indo ada yg bru aja kerampok d mobilnya tadi pg jam 8-an .. wew.. modusnya pun cukup klasik. ngetok2 jendela oleh beberapa orang naek motor. Bilang kalo bannya kempes.. Pas berhenti.. kena deh.. temen kehilangan tas berikut isinya.. dompet.. handphone.. dan netbook yg skin keyboardnya masih ada d korea.. hahaha dia nitip skin blom sempet dikirim.

Allah mang maha penyayang.. temen gua masih dijaga keselamatannya.. tanpa kurang apa pun. Mobilnya pun gak ikutan dijambret.. sehingga kerugian bisa diminimalisir..

Sedih denger kabar itu.. mengapa seseorang mengambil jalan pintas. Padahal jalan yang benar juga mudh dan penuh kenikmatan. Smoga Allah memberikan petunjuk ke jalan yang benar bagi mereka.

oya.. mang agak parno..ada data2 pribadi di sana.. mudah2an gak berlanjut sampe datengin rumah temen gua itu apalagi jadi stalker.. naudzubillah deh.

Yak sekian dari gua untuk postingan kali ini.. pengen ngingetin temen2.. kita jangan sampe kalah ama negara yang atheis kayak korea ini.. mustinya orang yang beragama bisa bersikap lebih baik di hadapan Tuhannya.. semoga Indonesia selalu menuju lebih baik 🙂

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[WSK] Being A Caveman is Great!! :D


Mencoba merasakan jadi orang gua sekali2… hehe… bisa.. di korea ada banyak gua2 menarik.

Pada musim dingin, tetap hangat.. dan pada musim panas.. malah jadi dingin.. mantab lah gua itu… 🙂

Berikut postingan dari

buat bahan referensi jalan2 jg, sambil hiking.. sekali2 jalan ke gua, bukan cuma ke pantai atau kolam renang aja.. 😀


Blow Away the Heat in Caves!

It was unusual that temperature in May recorded 28 degree in Celsius. It made us really worried about the coming summer. Well, it was right. Why don’t we go on a trip to a cool place? Where can be a better place rather than the ocean or a mountain that has many things to see and even has the freshness of early autumn?

Today we would like to proudly introduce the Korea’s beauty, Caves. There have been a lot geographical changes in this peninsula, which formed many magnificent sites in Korea. It might be a privilege for all of us in Korea to be able to enjoy it.

There are several kinds of caves. Limestone caves are formed by the rainwater which dissolves the limestone layer. Sea caves are formed by abrasion of the ocean wave. Lava caves are formed by lava flow. Artificial caves are formed on a specific purpose. There are more limestone caves and sea caves in Korea. Stalagmites, stalactites and stone pillars are so beautiful that more and more people keep visiting the caves. And this will guide you to explore the caves which are the gifts from the Mother Nature. Let’s take a look.

Korea’s only theme cave, Hwaam

<Gold-colored Stalactite, Hwaam Cave>(Source: Kookmin Ilbo)

Hwaam Cave located in Jeongsun, Gangwon-do is recognized as one of the great caves in Korea. It was listed in 1980 as the monument No. 33. Most of all, it is highly recognized for its beauty and it is also one of the eight beauties in Jeongsun, Gangwon-do. It is the only themed cave. The theme presents the ‘Meeting of the Gold and the Nature’. What makes it unique is that, Hwaam Cave has both coal mine and natural cave. To get to the starting point of the cave, you should take a shuttle train. You will truly feel the theme of the ‘Meeting of Gold and Nature’.

The tour length of Hwaam Cave is 1,803 meters and the tour takes approximately one and half hour. You can see some chapters in the cave. The chapters consist of ‘History’, ‘365 along with Gold Line’, ‘Wonderland’, ‘Gold world’, ‘Nature Wonder’. The cave was discovered while mining the gold, so there are many displays and exhibits inside are connected with Gold mine. You can see the times of mining gold and a gold vein. It is quite interesting to see gold bars. In addition, there are some displays showing various kinds of gold mines, the use of gold and the history of gold. It is already beyond the museum. For the children who easily get bored, there is a chapter of ‘Gold Ghost and Silver Ghost in Wonderland’ which are mascots of this cave. The Wonderland shows how to mine gold and make gold products from the children’s perspective. Actually, there are more family visitors in a cave tour.

You can also enjoy a geological beauty. Hundreds of stalactites hanging on the ceiling are spectacular. It looks like a curtain hung over the cave. It is not fair just to say “beautiful”, but it is natural to say “beyond the expression!”.

Mystic geologic cave, Gosu

<Statue of ‘Virgin Mary’ in Gosu Cave> (Source: Newsis)

Many people said this Gosu Cave, located in Danyang, Chungcheongbuk-do, is genuinely the best of all. Because there are many beautiful rocks, stalagmites, stalactites and stone pillars.

Gosu cave made of limestone layers is listed No. 256 as a natural monument. There are various creatures by the cave, which has high academic value. It is 1,200 meters long. However travelers have an access only to 600 meters inside for environmental conservation.

However, once you enter, you will definitely be amazed. It is so beautiful that you won’t be disappointed at not seeing the whole cave. Stalactites and stalagmites which grown up and down for a long period of time finally has become the limestone pillars. With that, you will feel the eternity of time.

The ‘Gom Bawi (Bear rock)’ that looks like a roaring bear is a mystic nature itself which makes you keep looking at it. ‘Cheondang SeongByeok (the Wall of the Castle of Heaven)’ has beautiful stalactites, which are very popular among many travelers who want to take a picture of them. In fact, it is very amazing to know that it takes 5 years and even 10 years for stalactites to grow up to 1 cm. Gosu Cave is made 5.4 million years ago. Once again, you can feel the eternity of time. During the journey, you will see a rock called a statue of the Virgin Mary. The rock looks like the Virgin Mary holding hands, kneeling and praying.

Before you go to Gosu Cave, there are several things you should remember. As the entrance road is very narrow, you have to be careful. A pathway inside of the cave is very narrow and steep. It is also very humid, so you might feel as if you were in the rain. It has 95 percent to 97 percent humidity, so that you’d better prepare the raincoat.

Hwanseon Cave, the undiscovered jewel in Asia  

<Monorail in Hwanseon cave, Samcheok> (Source: Yonhap News Agency)

“The largest limestones cave in Asia”. With this one sentence, we can recognize the magnificent status ofHwanseon Cave.

Hwanseon cave is located in Dei-ri, Samcheok, Gwangwon-do. Dei-ri means big ears. There are six caves in Dei-ri region. Only two caves, Daegeum Cave and Hwanseon cave, are open to travelers.

It takes long time to get to Hwanseon Cave. For this, they equipped mono rail for visitors, which used to take 30~ 40 minutes on foot. If you want to take a breath of mountain, walking is also recommended.

Hwanseon Cave is much bigger than any other caves. It has many valleys like small falls here and there uplifting a very unique atmosphere. Cave coral is the most popular place. It is hard to find anywhere in the world, so that many foreigners visit the Cave. There is an English information sign. Cave coral grows up on the wall where water comes out. Cave coral is also called Cave Popcorn since it has a similar look. Many people capture the splendid scenery that looks like a King’s throne. We hope you to take a close look at this throne.

The cave is good for travel in both summer and winter. Cool in summer, warm in winter. How about watching magnificent view and relaxing your mind in cave tour during the summer that made us tired and stressed?


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[WSK] Convenient Traffic System in Korea


Janjian di korea gak ada lagi namanya jam karet.. semua bisa tepat waktu, semua bisa diperhitungkan..
Telat? ke laut aje.. kkk

Kalau janjian di seoul misalnya, kita bisa lihat jadwal kereta jam berapa aja, terus yang eskpress jam berapa aja. Kalau pun saat berangkat dah telat, maka kita bisa minta maap duluan sebelum sampai sana, jadinya orang di seberang sana gak perlu nungguin tanpa kejelasan.

Informasi subway bisa dilihat di sini :

Untuk bisa ngitung lama perjalanan dari satu stasiun ke stasiun lain.. bisa dilihat di sini..

Perhitungannya sangat tepat, waktu itu dari cheonan ke stasiun deket dongdaemun.. diperhitungan dibilang.. 124 menit.. dan.. beneran.. 124 menit.. parah2.. padahal gua udah mikir bakal telat 2 menit.. 🙂

ini tampilan kalo lagi ngitung2.. lengkap dengan data transit bila diperlukan..

Mirip seperti halnya busway.. kita bisa transit dari satu jalur ke jalur lainnya. Sampai saat ini ada 9 line yang tersedia di seoul dan sekitarnya + 5 line khusus.

Harga tiketnya jg bervariasi tergantung jarak, dengan biaya minimum 900 won. Lebih hebatnya lagi kalo kita punya T-Money, kita bisa bayar satu harga sekali jalan.. misalnya, turun dari subway, naek bus, maka gak perlu bayar bus-nya lagi, atau kalau agak jauh, biaya tambahan aja yang kita bayar, jadi lebih irit. Kalau kita turun bus itu dan naek bus lain, maka kita jg gak bakal bayar, asalkan dalam jangka waktu sekitar 30 menitan.

gini tampang T-Money :


Ada yang berbentuk gantungan HP, jadinya praktis..

Di sini, naek bus jg jelas trayeknya.. dan bus gak akan asal berhenti di tengah jalan. Makanya kita lebih enak dan terduga.. gak perlu ngejar2 angkot kayak di jakarta.. hehe..

Suatu tempat di korea bisa dilihat dengan transportasi apa cara aksesnya ada di :

Satu hal yg gua gak suka dari supir bus di sini.. adalahhhhh…. gaya nyopirnya yang lebih gila daripada sopir bis P85 cengkareng lebak bulus… gilee pokoknya deh..

gua pernah pulang dari Cheonan City Hall naek taksi karena gua udah eneug pengen muntah naek angkot.. hhhh

Kalo pengen tau lebih jauh soal bahasan angkot di korea.. bisa liat di bawah ini, bersumber dari :


Convenient Traffic System of Korea

Almost all foreigners say that Korea has an excellent public transportation system. In Korea, you can reach everywhere by bus or subway. It is considered a superb system in terms of its access and cleanness.

Korea’s transportation system is now recognized as one of the finest example among other countries. In the past, however, many Koreans complained of ineffective subway and complicated road systems. But after it adopted the transit discount system and better equipped subway systems, situation got much better than ever.

Comfortable Public Transportation System

Korea’s transportation system is considered a role model among other countries

(Source: Yonhap News Agency)

There has been so much improvement in traffic system, and now Korea’s traffic system is regarded excellent all over the world. Most importantly, the subway and bus companies do not compete with each other for passengers, which became a win-win situation.

<It is considered cleaner than any other subway in the world>

(Source: Yonhap News Agency)

For example, the transit discount system helps passengers save their money, which is found only in Korea. For this reason, many policy makers from other countries visit Korea to learn more about Korea’s traffic system. It is common for Korean to pay with digital card when taking a bus, but still in many countries, people are paying cash.

Moreover, a variety of bus and subway line also considered remarkable. Since all buses were divided into four colors- blue, green, red and yellow- according to the routes, it became much convenient to take buses even in rush hour.

Stretching to the world

Korean subway is also well-known for its cleanness in the world. In addition, the screen door is highly recognized as it prevents passengers from harmful air and unexpected hazardous circumstances.

Finally, Korea got to recently export its bus traffic system to Philippines. The official said that Gyeonggi-do made an agreement for mutual cooperation with MMDA(Metro Manila Development Agency) on 27th last month with the attendance of Kim Moon-Soo, the Governor of Gyeonggi-do and Francis Tolentino, the chairman of MMDA, Philippines. Followed by this agreement, Gyeonggi-do will share the policies on Metro traffic systems such as BMS (Bus Management System) and BIS (Bus Information System) and will cooperate on building the infrastructure of Manila.


<Kim Moon-Soo, Governor of Gyeonggi-do and Francis Tolentino, Chairman of MMDA signed the agreement> (Source: Chosun Ilbo)

Gyeonggi-do will share the information on how to adopt CNG bus, traffic card system, and transit discount system and how to build Bus terminal complex.

Korean companies will cover the technical matters. Manila development agency of Philippines Metro announced that they will integrate four major traffic systems such as Metro, Bus, Jeepney, and Tricycle. For this, the chairman Tolentino asked cooperation during his visit to Gyeonggi Province last February. Kim Moon Su, the governor of Gyeonggi-do said that this agreement will help Philippines build more efficient traffic system. Furthermore it will definitely be the innovative traffic system in Philippines as well.

It seems that Korea’s transportation system is moving ahead to the World along with ‘Korean Wave, Hallyu’. However, generosity comes first than institutions and systems. Let’s make the world that human is always comes before the cars.


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