Posts Tagged okinawa

Okinawan 2


Okeh.. gua pengen make bahasa indo untuk nyang ini.. 😀

Pake inggris susyah juga milih kata2nya.. hehe

Untuk lanjutannya adalah sedikit cerita waktu di seminar dan hari terakhir di hotel.

Tumpukan buku APIS

Tumpukan buku APIS

Acara yg gua hadiri di Okinawa. APIS Conference 2009. Dengan berbagai topik paper yg dipresentasikan di sana. Buku di atas adalah buku berisi paper-paper yg diterima di APIS, tebel juga kan? hehe.. ada sekitar 180-an kalo gak salah, dengan rata2 panjangnya 4 halaman. Buku itu disebut “Proceeding APIS” . Beda lagi ama jurnal, kalo jurnal seleksinya lebih ketat ketimbang conference.. *kesian tuh yg Phd. Susah lolosnya..*

Sibuk2 register

Sibuk2 register

Hayo2.. pada daptar di APIS.. Beginilah keadaan di meja pendaptara.. penuh sesak.. ah.. 😀

Daftar ulang dan ambil name-tag..

Opening ceremony

Opening ceremony


Kalo gak salah pimpinan Ryukyus University 😀

Um.. nothing much to say.. pokoknya ini tempat acara pembukaannya.. Gua gak nonton ampe lengkap, karena disuruh balik ke gedung presentasi untuk siapin slide. Gua lari2 ngejar2 prof yg bareng gua.. gila.. jalannya cepet banget.. kayak terbang. hosh..hosh..

Presentation room D

Presentation room D

Lembar penilaian

Lembar penilaian

Keliatan temen gua si TU dan profesor yg ngetes gua.. *duh lupa namanya* Beliau dari new zealand. dan beliau orang ya kreatip dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Hehe.. terbukti waktu presentasi  yg poster dia gak bikin acara keliling yg kayak biasa, tapi malah nyuruh tiap orang presentasi di depan udah kayak sesi presentasi ruangan gitu.. *duh.. grogi..* Tapi yg lebih gila lagi.. waktu itu cuman 3 menit dengan toleransi 1 menit.. mau ngomong apa juga bingung, ampe2 gua gak memperkenalkan diri ke orang2.. kkkk…

Para penonton.. ;)

Para penonton.. 😉

Can you see them?? there are two mac.. hoho.. Yg satu orang korea, yg atu lagi orang jepang. Tapi katanya di jepang mang populer banget tuh macbook, and a friend of a friend beli yg fiturnya paling mentok di jipun sono.. dan waktu di kelas diliatin ama orang2 yang lewat.. kkk.. Terus katanya orang2 yg punya mac di jipun suka ngegang gitu.. duduk mojok.. sambil buka mac bareng2.. jejreng.. 😀 *keren*

My friend presenting

My friend presenting

A poster presentation.. yg nilai keliling gitu.. Tuh temen gua dari ICU.. hah? I see you? *doh..*

Hoho.. vista CRASH!!

Hoho.. vista CRASH!!

The unexpected error occured.. lol. Gak liat2 sikon niy vista.. pake acara crash lagi.. kkkk.. mangkanya ganti mac.. eh jangan deh.. linux aja.. kalo kebanyakan yg make mac nanti gak seru lagi.




Can you see? 😀

Yes..Can you see it? a nice girl..huek..huek.. 😛 cukup artistik.. tapi gua gak nonton presentasi dia siy.. n gak kenal dia..  ya sudahlah.. 😀

a better view with the chapel

a better view with the chapel

Ini adalah foto yg diambil di hari terakhir kita di sana.. Dah tinggal pulang aja.. gak ada acara jalan2 lagih.. Gua gak ngerasain aquarium.. :(( Tapi coba deh perhatiin hasil jepretan gua ini.. artistik kan? hehe.. pas hari2 terakhir keknya tangan gua dah mulai lihai mengambil sudut.. gambar yg dihasilkan lebih indah.. *halah* dan gak goyang separah awal2… 😀

Dan ya.. itu adalah sebuah gereja lagi.. secara balkon gua view-nya ya gereja itu.. um.. bukan gereja siy.. tapi chapel.. um.. bedanya apa ya.. kkkk.. Dan yg menarik adalah pantai hijaunya.. mungkin musim panas gua maen lagi ke sana.. *ngimpi :P*


Me and my Prof 🙂

Ehem… grogi bo.. di peluk dari belakang tuh kalo lu mau tau.. 😀 Dan tangan gua dimasupin aja ke kantong.. gak bales meluk pinggangnya.. dan jadilah poto grogi itu..hehe.. Poin yg ingin ditekankan adalah.. ADA PELANGI!!! hoooo.. yes.. a rainbow in the morning.. did you notice it?

Shoot the shooter

Shoot the shooter

iseng2 pas balik.. gak dapet tampak depan.. cuman tampak samping and the wind blew very hard..

The north star

The north star

Eksperimen gak penting.. lihat.. ada bintang di sana.. eh. alien.. eh.. dodol.. *doh*

Room 8100

Room 8100

My room to stay.. and you know.. kalo lu gak bawa konci lu bakal otomatis kekonci di luar.. kkk.. ati2 aja.

Yes, I will fly again with u.. *halah*

Yes, I will fly again with u.. :* *halah*

Pramugarinya siy gak semanis dia.. tapi.. ya gitu deh.. kalo dibagi atu gak nolak.. kkk

Beautiful scenery

Beautiful scenery

And yes.. this is another view from the balcony. Look calm right? Kayak yg gua bilang.. di akhir2 itu akhirnya bakat moto gua muncul.. dan lebih bagus hasilnya.. kkkk…


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@please read it accompanied by this song.. Tersenyumlah.mp3  ^^

It was a great opportunity for me going abroad to Japan. To Okinawa island exactly. A beautiful and quite warm Island. Felt like home. The temperature is not as cold as here in Korea. There feels like in Puncak *a place in Java Island, Indonesia*. But sometimes the weather changes so drastically.. It was hot, but suddenly the clouds cover us, and rain falls. Felt like i was going to get a fever. But luckily I didn’t get it.

Locatio of Ryukyu Islands

Location of Ryukyu Islands

It is located near Taiwan as you can see.

We traveled to a few places there, Japanese restaurants, botanical garden, americana street, Okinawa folks museum, Shurijo Castle  and also the Ryukyus University. I had a nice experience there.. although I didn’t have a chance to go to the famous aquarium, because I have assignment on the conference. I didn’t went to the beach too, may be because it is in winter season, not summer.

But after all it was a great vacation I had after maybe more than two year I never traveled ..hehe..

So, here are my pics.

First Lunch

First Lunch

We had our first lunch here. I didn’t capture the food shape.. 😛 But I can describe it a bit as raws food.. ewh.. hehe

I had my first raw salmon there, feel a bit fishy, but I don’t know i feel full so easily. There is also pork meat there, oh.. Okinawa is famous for it’s pork menu.. 😦 Just get rid of it and I can have my beautiful meal.

The shore reef

The shore reef

After that lunch, we went to the shore reef. There was so windy. I felt like gonna be blown away. Really, the wind blew very hard. But exciting it is.. 😉 I got a bit shot of it, it was not the perfect moment as the wave hit the reef.. so beautiful and splash some water too.. hoho… I wonder where in Indonesia is there a place like this.

botanical view

botanical view

After the shore, we went to a Botanical Garden. It is like Bogor botanical garden in Indonesia I guess. It was hot there. But suddenly rain.. ewh.. The picture up there is a moment before the clouds covered us. A nice view after I never seen this green place for a long time.. hehe.

monster from bali?

monster from bali?

I found this statue there.. I really wonder is it imported from bali.. kkk… don’t you think so?

cute monster

cute monster

And here is another monster.. looks cute, chubby2.. hihi..

blow the wind

blow the wind

botanical name wall

botanical name wall

The wind blew quite hard.. shoke the flag there.. a romantic scence.. *halah :P*


nice car.. 😀

Indeed.. a nice car.. 🙂 i wanna have this car.. oww…

There are some other unique cars i’ve never seen anywhere else. I will post it next time.

the cute waitress..

the cute waitress..

americana bento

americana bento

americana street night

americana street night

The cute waitress.. oh, I didn’t get her best shot, I didn’t dare to take it anyway.. 😛

The real bento at my face, and it was delicious and make my stomach full.. haha..

And the last thing is young people playin’ skateboard, we were at americana street. I ask to my prof why does is it named as americana, he said because there are many foreign people there, including american, in Korea the place like Itaewon. As I know.. there are an airport base for america in Okinawa island, may be americana is one of the place to live of american people. We ate some takoyaki there too bought by Um*’s prof.

Our stomach were full so we went to the hotel. Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel ^^

the sea from balcony

the sea from balcony

This is the morning view of my balcony, not a very good angle, not all of the views are captured, I guess I had a better one, but I kept it for later.. 😛

A vast sea lay there.. feels so small and afraid of the mightiness. There is one of some other church in that picture, japanese people usually have their wedding there.

shurijo town view

shurijo town view

There is a town lay there.. I don’t know the name of the town anyway.. 😛

the old drawing

the old drawing

museum guard

museum guard

There is a figure showing some minister wearing the formal suit. In the museum *where I can’t take pic* there are more detailed explanation of suit people wore on those days.

At the right pic is the real display of person *of course :P* he wear the kimono *for man* and a head ban just like in arabic culture. I become wonder whether their culture are mixed of arabian too? hm.. But really interesting. For the women, I didn’t take any pic, but they use some head cover too different from what japanese girls we usually see in the kimono. The women wore a head cover like in chinese. Zutto.. omoshiroii desu ne.. 😉

There is a pic of a girl who guard the museum too *a cute girl*. I toke although it is not permitted.. She warned me after that hidden shot..*oops..* I can’t display the pic here because it is just.. too.. too.. personal.. hehe..

shurijo castle on mini

shurijo castle on mini

shurijo castle area

shurijo castle area

There is a miniature view of Shurijo Castle too. With display of many servant there in the field.

A the other building, an outer building of Shurji Castle park there is a map with a terrain view too of the city surrounding the caste. The castle lies on top of the hill there.. can you see it? 😛

flying on the water

flying on the water

And.. here is the final travel before we went to the apis conference first day. The Folk museum of  Okinawa. A great museum, unfortunately I couldn’t take any picture there, not permitted. But before I enter the room there is a view of glass floor, I felt like flying there, walking on top of the glass.. and at below is a fake aquarium with a fake fish too.. looks brilliant.. hehe..

Okay.. that’s all for today post, I should work on again for my presentation, and.. I guess there will be second part of this. Um.. may be next week I will post.. C u then



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Okinawan bus driver


It was still rather dark although the clock shows eight o’clock in the morning. I was in the bus near the window, still sleepy. I captured a great moment of truth. A simple thing, but really explains a lot. There was a man there, near the bus. Greeted people of morning, and gave explanation about the bus he is assigned to be driven. He said like.. *I didn’t know what he said, because it was japanese language.. :P* “Good morning, this is the bus for APIS .. bla.. bla..” . He said it continuously, he said it  politely with a smile. He said it with a bit lean posture.


Bus #3 driver

Bus #3 driver


Bus #3 driver - zoomed

Bus #3 driver - zoomed


A very interesting view in the morning. He said the greetings to all of people passing by. A great dedication. *sorry if the pic is dark*

It inspired me that doing something doesn’t really need any reaction. If it is a good thing, than do it. Hoping some good replies before doing something brings only disappointment at wrong replies and a fake enjoyment on good responds.

I usually think of something or giving things based on what I will get. I reject do things that is inefficient, but actually if it is good and gives me more experiences why don’t I do it?! I gave something to someone who never says thanks. Eventually for the last thing I gave, he/she said thanks. I never hope him/her to say so, but he/she did.

So does on writing blog. To my friend H.. just write your words, at least it will be your memory in the future. You would smile or even laugh when reading the old posts..*believe me, I did :D*

Giving is not about taking. Giving sure gives you the warm feeling. Giving will gives you something from another source, have faith on it.


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