Archive for December 21st, 2010

Speed Test Internet di kamar



berikut hasil tes internet dari kamar.. 😀

mantab lah.. hehe… meski masih blum tes torrent… 😀

NB: Provider KT, 28 ribu sebulan

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Mekar Hari Raya – Siti Nurhaliza


ngedapetin ini di itunes.. hehe asik jg

Link download mp3 : di sini

Mekar Hari Raya – Sti Nurhaliza

Rindu dan sepiku bermusim di rantauan
Kini syawal kembali tengah halaman
Fajarnya menghimpun saudara tercinta
Dan wajah ceria ayah dan bonda

C/O 1
Dalam suci lebaran
ku rindukan sinar dan harapan
Anak kecil berlari
Jangan sampai hanyut tak bertali

C/O 2
Miskin kaya tua muda bermaafan
Di bawah sayunya gema takbir hari raya
Senyum tawa sanak saudara
Mewanginya bunga rasa
Kusyukuri nikmat Tuhan Maha Esa

Sekuntum lebaran mekar di sukmaku
Kupetik harumnya di Hari Raya

(Ulang C/O 1 & C/O 2)

Miskin kaya tua muda bermaafan
Di bawah sayunya gema takbir hari raya
Senyum tawa sanak saudara
Mewanginya bunga rasa
Kuhulurkan tangan seikhlasnya
Pohon diampunkan dosa
Salah dan silapku pada semua

(Ulang C/O 1)

Mulianya Hari Raya
Di desa tercinta
Menggamit ku berdoa
Syukur padaNya
Sekuntum lebaran mekar di sukmaku
Kupetik harumnya di Hari Raya

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[WSK] Foreign Journalists Visit Jeju Olle Road

Twenty Seoul-based foreign journalists on last November 19 and 20 visited the Jeju Olle Road as part of their Jeju Press Tour program sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.


Traditional Jeju Culture and Haenyeo (sea women)


The twenty foreign journalists, though still somewhat fatigued from the intense reporting they had for the G20 Seoul Summit, participated in the Jeju tour with great zeal and curiosity, especially for the much talked about Olle Road and Jeju haenyeo.


On the first day of their tour, Jeju greeted the journalists with an unusually clear, azure sky and a picture-perfect coast line.


At the center of attention in the tour was, of course, the haenyeo – Jeju’s sea women. A journalist for Tokyo Newspaper expressed his special interest for Jeju haenyeo, saying although Japan also has something like sea women he had never seen the Jeju haenyeo. As four, five haenyeo dove into the sea and began their “sea-picking” routine, the group of visitors all flocked to the water in excitement to take photos.


<The group of foreign journalists all flocked to the water in excitement to take photos.>


Haenyeo dive into 20m deep into the ocean and collect sea products, holding their breath for as long as two minutes. Holding breath is hard enough; but doing that in the middle of cold sea water, swimming AND collecting things? What an amazing feat!


As one of the haenyeo, a 76-year-old sea veteran, pulled out of the water and showed a “domchi” which is a very rare catch, a big applause erupted among the journalists. The elderly haenyeo has been sea-picking since the age of 15.


But sadly, what used to amount to 15,000 Jeju haenyeo has now plummeted to a mere 5,600. And most of them are in their sixties and seventies. Those in their thirties are just a handful now, less than a dozen.


<As one of the haenyeo, a 76-year-old sea veteran,

pulled out of the water and showed a ‘domchi’>

Perfect Harmony of the Sea and the Cliffs


The foreign journalists were once again amazed and awed by the beauty of Seongsan Ilchulbong, a peak that rose from under the sea in a volcanic eruption over 100,000 years ago.


Seongsan Ilchulbong is located on the eastern end of Jeju Island and there is a huge crater at its top. With the 99 sharp rocks surrounding the crater, it looks like a gigantic crown. While the southeast and north sides are cliffs, the northwest side is a grassy hill, forming a truly distinctive ambience.


The journalists concluded their first day with a visit to Chyeonjiyeon Waterfall, and their second day was finally the much anticipated Olle Road.


The Olle walking path opened its first route in 2007 and is now furnished with 22 routes of 357km. In the local Jeju dialect, “Olle” was originally used to refer to the narrow path between the street and one’s doorstep. The hiking trail was founded by Myung-Sook Suh who was inspired upon hearing from a certain English tourist that he had healed his hurt soul walking the Jeju roads.



The route the journalists trod that day was Route 10 which is a course a little more taxing than a leisurely walk. You will be able to enjoy a scenic view of cliffs and the ocean. This particular route was declared as “Jeju Olle-Switzerland Friendship Road” last April upon establishing an MOU with the Swiss tourism administration. After the good amount of exercise followed, of course, a sumptuous meal composed of just-caught Jeju sea food and makgeolli.


At the end of the delightful tour, the journalists expressed their wish for having more nature-oriented tourist spots like the Jeju Olle Road. Although they may be somewhat less convenient than those equipped with first-rate technology and amenities, sometimes what we want these days are places that are preserved as they originally were – somewhere we can rest and heal our jaded souls.


I haven’t post about my trip to Jeju Island.. :S later I think..

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Shake your b*tt – Auto tunes


hasil karya dengan auto tunes. gila… >.< keren

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Self awareness


Gua lagi berusaha untuk mengurangi tingkat self awareness gua… Creepy sekali kalo waktu lagi kambuh. Gua bisa jadi super aktif.. Atau malah super down. 😉

Can’t really control my self at that time. I became fully aware of what I’m doing, resulting on the awkwardness following on everything done.

So.. A too much of self awareness aighn’t good yo.. Hehe

Many friends of mine used to told me, “lu sih ga pedean, cewe mana suka ama cowo ga pedean..”


Keadaan kayak gitu jg membuat banyak kekhawatiran sering muncul tanpa premis.. Imajinasi menjadi liar tak terkendali..huoho.

Ada lagi kalanya.. Terlalu bahagia. Jadi benar2 intensif. Ketika itu terjadi.. Gua malah jadi ceroboh.. 😛

Kondisi terbaik kayaknya pas gw lagi cuek.. Hehe, self awareness hampir ga ada. Itu terjadi saat gw fokus mengejar suatu target, atau manakala gw sedang memikirkan suatu problem yg menggunakan cukup banyak logika. Hihihi…

State setengah mabuk alkohol,mungkin itu yg terbaik.. Mkn gw jelaskan d post selanjutnya.. Hahaha

Mungkin temen2 jg pernah ngerasain tingkat self awareness yg terlalu tinggi? 🙂

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