Archive for December 7th, 2010

Cheonan-si, My Home (천안 시 내집)

sedikit cerita soal tempat tinggal.. um.. gua tinggal di asrama, sebelumnya sempat di apate, dan one room.

Rencananya sih setelah liburan musim dingin akan kembali ke one room, karena sudah ada teman. Lebih bebas buat masak memasak.. 😀

*dan bebas buat hal2 yg laen.. :))*

kota tempat tinggal sekarang namanya Asan, tapi juga dekat dengan Cheonan, dan biasanya kalau naek subway kita ke cheonan. Jalan2 pun lebih sering ke cheonan.

Di cheonan gak terlalu banyak tempat menarik, nggak seperti di seoul atau busan yg merupakan kota besar.

Tempat yg terkenal di sini ada dua.. yg pertama adalah Independence Hall. Semacam museum kemerdekaan Korea, di sana ada 8 gedung yg menceritakan sejarah korea dan juga ada film animasi pendek 4D-nya.. 😀

cukup menarik jg, gratis pula .. hehe

Mungkin pertanyaan yang mendasar adalah.. kenapa ada museum kemerdekaan di kota kecil seperti cheonan? jawabannya adalah karena banyak pahlawan-pahlawan dilahirkan dan besar di cheonan.. 😀 termasuk jendral yang menciptakan perahu kura2.. yg diciptakan oleh jendral Yi Sun-sin, referensinya bisa dilihat di sini

lalu.. satu tempat lagi yg istimewa di cheonan adalah istana kediaman jendral itu.. namanya Hyeon Chung Sa palace..

mudah2an sudah selesai di-pugar. Terakhir kali ke sana musim gugur tahun lalu.. ingin melihat bunga-bunga berguguran, sayangnya sudah tutup, jam 5 😛 dan pula sedang dipugar.

tempat menarik lainnya di cheonan…. Yawoori (mall) dan E-Mart.. hahahah… kita biasa jalan2 di sana.. dekat dan murah meriah.. hehe

di cheonan juga ada banyak Warung Indonesia (3 bahkan) , bisa beli barang2 asli indonesia, menghilangkan kerinduan akan masakan Indonesia.. rendang misalnya.. 😀 di sana bisa beli bumbu rendangnya.


Di cheonan juga ada masjid punya orang pakistan. Alhamdulillah kalo hari jumat kita bisa sholat di sana, gak perlu lagi jalan ke seoul.. ada juga banyak asian dan halal mart.. jadi gak susah cari daging halal.

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hayo2.. pindah ke cheonan *haduh* 😛



[WSK] Korea on the Road to First Class

Chairwoman Lee Bae-Yong of the Presidential Council on Nation Branding on November 15 gave a lecture for the KBS program “The Road to First Class.”

<Web site of the KBS program “The Road to First Class”>


The lecture was on the subject of Korea’s nation brand and the impact of the G20 Seoul Summit.



“Made in Korea” Impact


“Despite the increasing sales of Korean products globally nowadays,” Chairwoman Lee explained, “they still get about a 30% discount compared to similar products made by some other nations because of Korea’s undervalued nation brand.”


Giving examples of French perfume and wine which are products backed up by the country’s strong nation brand, Lee emphasized the importance of nation brand in generating economic profits.


“We need to work on increasing trust and preference for so-called “Made in Korea.” Also, it is getting more and more important nowadays to have strong “software” such as cultural content, human resources and spiritual values as well as hardware.”


Lee also touched upon Korea’s numerous timeless cultural heritages, saying, “I wish to share Korean values and spirits that are imbued in those historic and cultural legacies with the world. Korea’s astounding growth in the 20th century was made possible only because it was backed up by such virtues as harmony, sharing, communication, regards for life and nature.”


“To raise Korea’s nation brand, it is important to have active civic participation. The Council will make best efforts to achieve the goal with 5 major areas of work that we designated which include contributing to the international community, cultivating global citizenship, promoting multiculturalism, developing attractive culture and tourism, and showcasing advanced technology.”


<Tripitaka Koreana woodblock at Haeinsa temple (designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site)>
“Korea, as seen in its age-long history and countless cultural relics, has admirable spirits – perseverance, cooperative and pacifist inclination, modesty, warmhearted regards for others. It is important that we remember these timeless virtues of ours,” Lee stressed.


* Chairwoman Lee Bae Yong’s lecture on the program “The Road to First Class” (aired on November 20) can be viewed at the following web page:


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