migrate from multiply to wordpress.com


just gave some hand to someone to get her blog imported from multiply to wordpress.com

The process is divided into five steps:

1. Generate RSS feed files from the multiply blog. One page at a time using feed43 web apps. In my case, the url will be


Follow instruction as listed here..


The patterns I used are :

  • Global pattern : <body{*}>{%}</body>
  • Search pattern :
    <div id="item_havban:journal:{*}>{*}<a rel='bookmark' href='{%}'>{%}</a>{*}<nobr>{%}</nobr>{*}<div id="item_body"{*}>{%}</div><div style='clear:both'><!-- --></div>

2. Install wordpress in you own server. Download the package from the wordpress.org . This package will allow importing RSS file.

3. Import the generated RSS files for each pages from the journal into your own server’s wordpress. Before doing it, review your files and do some deletion and replace of some terms:

  • removal of “<![CDATA” and “feed43” footnote on each post
  • removal of “&nbsp;” from every file, since it will disrupt an import of a post, truncate it into small post.

4. Export WXR file from your server’s wordpress into a file. The file format generated usually .xml

5. Import again the WXR into your wordpress.com blog through menu import->blogli . It will import the whole blog into your wordpress blog.

Finally.. after all those steps.. do some checking on your content, may something was missing. If it was too many, just have faith everything is okay.. 😛



anyway.. this is the link to automate all those steps..


what you just need to do is import the gerated xml file to your wordpress.com site..

enjoy… 😉


  1. #1 by cutesalmon on October 30, 2010 - 8:16 pm

    wehehe ini ga ada tombol like nya ya? hahaha paling suka deh postingan yang ini. terimakasih banyak ya sekali lagi kak, Anda sangat berjasa bagi kelangsungan hidup blog saya! haha

  2. #2 by havban on October 31, 2010 - 6:15 am

    kkkk… turut berbahagia…

    kalo ada yg bisa dibantu lagi.. bilang aja.. 😉

  3. #3 by isabella on February 6, 2011 - 9:25 pm

    nga ngertiiiii 😦 tolong

    • #4 by havban on February 6, 2011 - 9:26 pm

      gak ngertinya di langkah nomor berapa mba? boleh saya bantu?

  4. #5 by Dersi Isabellaveron on February 7, 2011 - 5:43 pm

    kurang detil langkahnya mas..
    generate setiap postnya one by one ya?
    gimana lihat patternnya yang global search & item (repeatable) searchnya?
    thanks alot for your kindness yahh….

    • #6 by havban on February 7, 2011 - 6:57 pm

      jadi.. patternnya udah ketauan.. tinggal dimasukin ke parameter aja.

      nanti generate post-nya per halaman di multiply journal, dan satu halaman sekitar 10-20 post.

      patter yg global dan per item sudah saya tampilkan di atas… sudah dicobakah?

      kalau mau detil.. boleh japri ke email saya.. i’m glad to help… 🙂

  5. #7 by tandhy simanjuntak on March 20, 2011 - 5:56 pm

    mas havban, mau cobain ahh..
    tapi nanti, tunggu ada yang punya multiply minta di porting ke wordpress.com,hehe..

    eniwei, thanks for the info ya mas.

  6. #9 by Dewi Indah Vebriyanti on July 30, 2011 - 11:55 pm

    Mas hayban salam kenal ^^..
    Terimakasih banyak saya juga sedang berniat memigrasikan multiply saya ke wordpress, namun setelah di import format xml yang di download dari http://febiansyah.name/apps/rssgen/multiply.php, tetep nggak ada perubahan di wordpress saya T__T, helpp…

    • #10 by havban on August 2, 2011 - 4:40 pm

      salam kenal jg mba.. saya japri ya.

  7. #11 by vivi on April 9, 2012 - 11:07 pm

    poin no 2 aku ga ngerti. Download package apa di wordpress?

    • #12 by havban on April 9, 2012 - 11:53 pm


      langkah 1 sampai dengan 4 sudah bisa diganti dengan aplikasi dari: http://febiansyah.name/apps/rssgen/multiply.php
      isi dengan alamat multiply lengkap dengan “http://”
      misal: “http://havban.multiply.com” , ganti “havban” dengan username multiply anda.

      tinggal langkah ke-5:
      Import again the WXR into your wordpress.com blog through menu import->blogli . It will import the whole blog into your wordpress blog.

      dengan kata lain, import file “xml” yang baru di-download dari aplikasi di atas.

      semoga membantu.

  8. #13 by kalilakaysan on August 12, 2012 - 5:06 pm

    Terima kasih..
    saya sudah berhasil 🙂

  9. #14 by vian199 on February 12, 2013 - 3:23 pm

    halooo… aku baru mo ngurus pindah2 dr MP nih, koq yg versi java nya gak bs ya ? apa udah expired ya ? ihiks ihiksss…

    • #15 by havban on February 12, 2013 - 5:58 pm

      gak bisanya gimana mba? masih bisa sih kayaknya.. belum dihapus total sama multiply-nya.

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